6 Jun 2012


The brief for my chosen piece
The brief for my final piece was to create a magazine front cover and double page spread for a sixth form college. That means the audience was teenage males and females in our age. We had to find a suitable title and cover lines  which had to reflect the age of the audience, for example using cover lines about fashion, music, relationships etc.

Once the brief was given I did some brainstorming for my front cover and my double page. I inspired myself by making mood boards with different pattern, typefaces and images.  I decided to start with the front cover because I thought it will be easier to design the double page spread when I know how the cover looks like. I went outside and took pictures of classmates I could include either on my cover or my double page spread. I decided to choose a model in our age, because of the fact that it’s a magazine for sixth formers. I also did some hand drawn elements and decided to included them on my front cover, such as the masthead and cover lines in my writing. For the final draft before the finish piece I tried different experimentation with my pictures and font by using Photoshop. 

A piece that has been influenced by an artist/designer
A piece of mine that came from the influence of another artist is my small press comic. This comic was influenced by the “King Cat Comics and Stories” of John Porcellino. Porcellino uses a very simplistic fine line drawing style which looked effortless, but when I tried to imitate this I realised that a lot of thought, planning and skills are needed to create his comics. 

This work was different from the other work I have done so far, because you didn’t use different processes like using a computer, Photoshop or colour what that. You only used your drawing skills, a pencil and a black pen to go over your pencil lines. 

A piece where I have experimented with different processes
The cut and paste poetry, no staples, where I experimented with different processes. I took pictures of the countryside outside college, cut words and phrases of magazines, papers to later form sentences and whole poems. I then edited it in photoshop, resized each of the words. I looked for pictures in the web, edited them and pasted them as a background into my poem file. I also used hand drawn elements such as the title for the cover “life is a game”. 

A piece that I refined over time
I wasn’t quite happy with my first film poster I did, so I decided to refine it after. I did the whole drafting and film research again and ended up with my final film poster, which I liked more than the other one. I felt like the whole piece needed more work because I looked at my other pieces and knew that this would pull my mark down. I developed my idea by doing more research and think more into detail. 

My final piece
For my final piece I did a magazine cover and a double page spread for sixth formers. Before I started I looked at many magazines and did a magazine analysis to simplify the whole process. I think my double page spread went well, because it actually looks like one from a magazine. I was a bit struggling with the magazine cover, not with the layout but with the fact that the audience has to be sixth form so I had to decide carefully what elements I’m going to use. If I would do the piece again, I would probably change  the design of  the front cover, a bit more structured and with more hand drawn elements because it would better reflect to the audience. 

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